Using individual tags


Before anything, you need to start by assigning a tag to a single contact.

  1. Click “Contacts” on the sidebar.
  2. Search for a contact you wish to assign a tag to.
  3. The contact details will be listed on the right side of the page. Click on the row and then on the tab labelled ‘Selected’.
  4. Now click the tab labeled “ Add Tags”.
  5. This will open a new box where you can enter a new tag name or select an existing tag

adding tags


Removing individual tags from an individual.

  1. Click “Contacts” on the sidebar.
  2. Search for a contact you wish to assign a tag to.The contact details will be listed on the right side of the page.
  3. Click on the row and then on the tab labelled ‘Selected’.
  4. Now click the tab labeled “ Remove Tags”.

To learn how to use assign and remove tags from multiple contacts at once, click here.

To learn how to search through your contacts using tags as a search filter, click here.