Bulk Email students from a class or from multiple classes

This is a useful function if you want to send class related information to your students or if you just want to email out some notifications in bulk to all your students.

From class explorer, select the classes you want to email. Press and hold the control button and click on the classes to select the classes. You can also use Control-A if you want to select all the classes.

Click on Bulk Action and Email to Students.


Select the type of students you would like to email.








Select which email profile you like to use.








Either click on Template to select from a list of templates or type in the message in the editor and click on Send.

Note: If you are emailing the students information about their classes like their class name, time etc, you can use merged fields as shown in the example below. For more information about merged fields Click Here.



Your class details:
Class Name : ${CLASS_NAME}
Lesson Day : ${LESSON_DAY}
Lesson Time: ${LESSON_TIME}
Coach          : ${COACH_NAME}

The merged fields (the texts with the $ sign in the front) will be replaced by the student name and class details when the email is received.