Generate Student Invoices within a class
inTennis provides function for you to easily generate invoices for an individual student or all students in a class.
- Open inTennis, click on the Class or Squad main menu button on the left. A class/Squad explorer tab is displayed in the main screen, listing all the classes in a folder structure.
Select the class you want, double click to open it. - Now click on the Invoices icon on the top of this tab window. An invoice window is popped up, showing a list of students in the class and their invoice status.
- You can generate invoices for students currently without one. You may generate invoices for all students, or for selected students.
- Generate All: Click on Generate Invoices-> All Students with No Invoice
- Generate For selected Students only:
Select the students you want to generate the invoices against.
To select more than 1 row, hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key while clicking on the table. For mac user, use the ‘apple key’ instead of the ctrl key.
Click on Generate Invoices -> Selected Student with No Invoice.
- Fill in the details of invoices to be generated, when prompted.
You may select to group invoices if possible, to generate family invoices for example.
Click ok - inTennis will generate the invoices for all/selected students currently without one
Note: inTennis does not re-generate invoices for students already have generated invoices. To modify already generated invoices, you need to double click on the invoices and edit from Invoice Edit window.